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发布日期:2021-04-30    作者:周欣然     来源:国际教育学院    点击:








泰国格乐大学(krirk university)是中泰高等教育学历学位互认协定院校,创立于1952年,是一所立足泰国、辐射亚太地区,以科学研究工作为主导,以培养研究型硕博学生为重点,以培育应用型本科及本硕连读复合型人才为特色的综合研究型高等学府。此次与我校合作的联合培养国际预科班项目,是立足校(院)教育教学优势和格乐大学多语言办学特色,凸显双方国际化发展意愿的具体实践。下一步,双方还将继续就联合培养硕士、博士项目进行持续合作。



On the morning of April 29th,the signing ceremony of the International Preparatory Class for Joint Training between Krirk University of Thailand and Shandong First Medical University was held in the conference room of the School of International Education.Wang Changfeng, Director of Shandong International Affairs Center of  Krirk University of Thailand, and Sun Baoliang, Dean of School of International Education, jointly signed the Agreement on Joint Training of Undergraduate Students of International Preparatory Class between China and Thailand.

Krirk University of Thailand, founded in 1952,   is the agreement Institute for mutual recognition of academic qualifications and degrees of higher education between China and Thailand. Krirk University,  is a comprehensive research-oriented university ,based in Thailand and radiating to the Asia-Pacific region, with scientific research as the leading role, focusing on the cultivation of research-oriented master and doctoral students, and characterized by the cultivation of application-oriented undergraduate talents and interdisciplinary talents of bachelors-masters.This joint training program of international preparatory classes with our school is a concrete practice, based on the educational and teaching advantages of the university (school) and the multilingual school running characteristics of Krirk University, highlighting the willingness of both sides to develop internationally. In the next step, the two sides will continue to cooperate on joint training of master's and doctoral programs.

All the team members of Shandong International Affairs Center of Krirk University  and School of International Education attended the signing ceremony.