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发布日期:2023-09-30    作者:     来源:    点击:

“制作冰皮月饼需要用到三个原材料,分别是月饼皮预拌粉、馅料和月饼模具。首先,我们戴好手套,将预拌粉倒入盆中……”中秋佳节来临之际,9月24日,“走读山东 外国友人感知泰安活动”走进泰山区,来自山东第一医科大学(山东省医学科学院)国际教育学院的26名外国留学生来到邱家店镇刘家疃村汶水河畔亲子园,在村内大果老师的带领下学习做月饼,提前过中秋。

"Three raw materials are needed to make iced mooncakes, which are mooncake crust mix, filling and mooncake molds. First, we put on gloves and pour the mix into the basin ......" Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, September 24, "read Shandong foreign friends to perceive the activities of Taian" into the Taishan District. Twenty-six foreign students from the College of International Education of Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences) came to the Parent-Child Garden of Wenshui Riverside in Liujiatong Village, Qiujiadian Town, to learn how to make mooncakes under the guidance of Daguo's teacher in the village, and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in advance.




"I am very happy today, learning how to make mooncakes, a traditional Chinese delicacy, and really feeling the joy of reunion as we all sit around and make mooncakes together." Zhu Li, an international student from Pakistan, said happily that he was going to take the mooncake he made back to show off to his friends after he successfully made a mooncake of his favorite shape under the guidance of the teacher.

In addition to learning how to make mooncakes, the foreign students also learned how to make simple shadow puppets and lanterns, wrote down their wishes and hung the lanterns in the forest, and experienced the Taishan shadow puppet show under the guidance of the shadow puppet teacher to experience the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture while feeling the festive atmosphere. "I made a shadow of a tiger, which is more complicated, but I enjoyed the process." Hyder, an international student from Pakistan, said.


Wenshui Soup, Pedestrian Peng Peng. Liujiatong Village is located in the northeast of Qiujiadian Town, east of Wenhe River, with Wenshui Road running through it. In recent years, Liujiatong Village has created the Wenyuan Study Base, a study base with the theme of Wenhe culture and non-heritage culture, which is combined with the construction of the New Era Civilization Practice Station. Sun Qifang, secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee of Liujiatong Village, introduced that the Wenshui Riverside Parent-Child Park is an extension project of the study base, which is located in the northeast of Liujiatong Village and built according to the Wen River. The park digs deep into the "Wenshui love" spiritual culture, "fun farming" farming culture, "non-heritage craftsmanship" non-heritage folk culture and other core elements, and is divided into a green activity area, farming experience area, beach entertainment area, forest games and other activities. It is divided into four thematic functional areas, namely, green activity area, farming experience area, beach entertainment area and woodland game area, and it connects the original Wenhe Academy in the village, non-heritage culture exhibition room, village history hall, Wenhe Love Stage, agricultural industrial park, planting base, etc., and creates three thematic study routes around the red education, labor education and non-heritage folk culture, which injects new kinetic energy into the revitalization of the countryside.